State President Truong Tan Sang and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on May 9 cabled greeting messages to their respective Russian counterparts, President V. Putin and Prime Minister D. Medvedev, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

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In the messages, they reiterated that the victory marked a milestone in the humankind’s history, ending World War II and bringing peace to the world.

“The bravery and sacrifice of former Soviet Union troops and people to save humanity from the extermination of fascism will be forever remembered,” read the messages.

Encouraged by the victory, Vietnamese people successfully made the August Revolution victory in 1945, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, which was followed by the final triumph in spring 1975, they stated.


“Vietnamese people always bear in their mind the great, wholehearted support and assistance given by people from the former Soviet Union and Russia today during the past struggle for independence as well as current national socio-economic development,” said the messages.

The Vietnamese leaders also expressed their belief that with determination and effort of people and leaders, Vietnam and Russia will successfully implement joint strategic projects, lifting their strategic partnership to a new height for mutual benefit and for peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world.

Source: VNA