The Vietnamese leader said although the two countries’ diplomatic relationship was officially set up in 1973, relations between their peoples and communists had existed long before that. Late President Ho Chi Minh and many leaders of Vietnam took part in the communist and progressive movement of France and connected it with the revolutionary movement in Vietnam. Many French people stood on the side of Vietnamese people to create a widespread anti-war movement calling for the international community’s support for the righteous struggle of the Vietnamese people.

At the meeting

He noted the solidarity and mutual assistance in the past is a spring-board for bilateral ties to continue flourishing in the future.

Briefing about Vietnam’s situation and the outcomes of his talks and meetings with French leaders, General Secretary Trong said Vietnam-France relations have developed in an increasingly effective manner.

He asked the PCF, with its role and prestige, to continue supporting the French administration to keep enhancing ties with Vietnam. The two parties should also hold regular theory exchanges and support each other at regional and international forums.

PCF National Secretary Pierre Laurent congratulated Vietnam on its reform and development achievements, especially in economic growth and poverty reduction. Highlighting the countries’ thriving connections, he expressed his belief that the CPV leader’s visit will give an important boost to bilateral ties.

The French communists will actively help to build positive policies towards Vietnam, he said, adding that the increase of theoretical workshops will help intensify the two parties’ cooperation in theoretical issues.

In late 2018, the PCF will organize a congress marking its centenary. Laurent suggested appropriate activities be held on this occasion to honor President Ho Chi Minh, who greatly contributed to the two Communist Parties and the two nations.

General Secretary Trong welcomed his guest’s idea and wished the PCF to successfully organize its congress later this year.

Source: VNA