December 02, 2023 | 21:31 (GMT+7)
CPV, Argentina’s political parties enhance communication exchange
A delegation from the Communist Review, the theoretical organ of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee, paid a working visit to Argentina from November 25 to December 1 to seek measures enhancing collaboration in communication work with major political parties in the South American country.
At the working session between the delegation from the Communist Review and leaders of the Justicialist Party |
At working sessions with the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA) and the Justicialist Party (PJ), Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Communist Review Nguyen Ngoc Ha briefed the hosts about the CPV and Vietnam’s achievements in the recent past.
Introducing the Communist Review’s publications, Ha expressed his wish to set up regular and stable channels to exchange views on issues of mutual concerns with the two parties.
Ha agreed with a recommendation that the Communist Review and the information and communications departments of the PCA and PJ increase the use of each other's news to serve the popularization work.
For their parts, leaders from the PCA and PJ spoke highly of the sound relations with the CPV, and said they want to get a deeper insight into Vietnam’s political-economic situation, especially the country’s renewal process.
During their stay in Argentina, the delegation visited the Vietnam Square, paid floral tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his statue, and had meetings with the Argentine Council for International Relations and the Argentina - Vietnam Culture Institute.
Source: VNA