The book, authored by two Russians Vitali Bianki and Vladimia Sevchenko, features a long journey from Vietnam to Russia of two elephants, namely Xung and Cung.

At the ceremony to introduce the book

They both were born in 1907 in Vietnam and experienced various historical periods of the country, including the national resistance wars for national independence, freedom and reunification.

In 1954, the two elephants were sent to the Soviet Union as a gift from President Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese Government to the people of Leningrad city (currently Saint Petersburg). They were then considered a symbol of the longstanding friendship and strong solidarity between the two peoples.

The book has been translated into Vietnamese by Vietnamese translators Nguyen Quoc Hung and Nguyen Thuy Anh to help the Vietnamese people know more about the interesting story occurred half a century ago.

Translated by Khanh Ngan