Talking to the Vietnam News Agency's correspondents in Belgium on the occasion, Bert De Belder, Head of the Department of International Relations of the Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB), stressed that Vietnamese people underwent a struggle of great hardship for national independence against very strong enemies, but ultimately won thanks to President Ho Chi Minh’s talent and leadership.

President Ho Chi Minh

He said the president was a great inspiration and played an important role in connecting the struggle of the Vietnamese people with that of the peoples in the third world, as well as in other countries worldwide.

Ho Chi Minh is a genuine internationalist, who made the cause of liberation and happiness of peoples around the world the focus and international solidarity an important value, he said.

He was a talented leader but still a very modest person leading a simple life, noted Bert De Belder.

Meanwhile, Barbara Plinkert, Head of the Division for Southeast Asia and ASEAN at the European External Action Service (EEAS), stressed her impression of President Ho Chi Minh’s enthusiastic revolutionary activities and admiration for the way he inspired and united people from other countries together toward the goal of Vietnam's independence.

Source: VNA