In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), Gréga highlighted Vietnam’s multilateral and open foreign policy, which has helped the country establish relations with more than 100 countries worldwide and sign many cooperation deals and free trade agreements, notably the E.U.-Vietnam FTA, creating a driving force of the Southeast Asian nation’s economy.

Pierre Gréga, President of the Belgium-Vietnam Friendship Association

Vietnam has maintained balanced relations with powers in the world, as well as friendship with its neighbors, he said, stressing that Vietnam has affirmed its position in the international arena while holding the posts of ASEAN Chair 2020 and non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure.

The achievements have been recognized by the international community, Gréga noted.

He suggested Vietnam step up diplomatic ties and investments in Africa, explaining that the country could gain an important foothold in the region within the South-South cooperation framework because it already has many partners in this framework.

Regarding Vietnam’s Doi Moi (Reform) that has been rolled out since 1986, Gréga said the policy has facilitated the development of the market economy in Vietnam.

This is the initial, important step towards the opening of the domestic agricultural sector and State-owned enterprises, he said, adding that the open economy has helped to attract foreign investments to Vietnam.

The reform has also enabled the country to integrate into the world as well as the global economy, he continued.

It is note of worthy that Vietnam has continued pursuing socialism and managed to maintain the balance between economic development and socialism, with the State playing a crucial role in regulating the market, according to Gréga.

He viewed the socialist-oriented economy with a good structure as an effective tool of Vietnam, given potential risks caused by the world’s economy.

As President of the Belgium-Vietnam Friendship Association, Gréga pledged to support Vietnam in the political field to boost exchanges between the Vietnamese and Belgian legislatures and governments, thus enhancing cooperation between the two countries.

Source: VNA