Minh made the suggestions while attending the sixth National Congress of the association on August 3 in Hanoi. 

Participants at the congress. Photo: daibieunhandan.vn 

He also emphasized positive developments in the Vietnam-China ties. He highlighted meetings between senior leaders of the two countries and their agreed directions to bolster political trust, to raise cooperation efficiency, to satisfactorily address disagreements, and enhance the relationship between the two Parties and States for stable, sustainable and intensive development.

In the 2012-2017 term, the association promoted the people-to-people exchange, contributing to the development of the Vietnam-China friendship.

Besides, its activities received high appreciation from the Party, State and people. It also carried out suitable methods to demonstrate the State of Vietnam’s standpoints and Vietnamese people’s aspirations for national sovereignty over its seas and islands and related issues.

Notably, such big activities held during the term as meetings of Vietnamese and Chinese patriotic personalities, Vietnam-China people’s forums, festivals for Vietnamese and Chinese people in shared border areas, and Red Tourism route named “In the footprints of Uncle Ho” opened up opportunities for the two countries’ people to boost mutual understanding and to review Vietnam-China’s fruitful friendship. They have also helped boost cooperation between people on the two sides of the shared border, contributing to the building of a shared borderline of peace, stability, friendship and development.

The congress elected a 70-member executive committee of the association in the 2017-2022 period. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, member of the Party Central Committee, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, and Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam-China Friendship Association of the 2012-2017 term, was re-elected as Chairman of the Central Committee of Vietnam-China Friendship Association in the 2017-2022 term.

In the new term, as the plan says, the association will continue renovating its orientations and activities, promote operational capabilities of its local sub-associations, consolidate organization work, team up with agencies at all levels to give recommendations on realizing the Party and State’s policies on foreign relations, boost external information service, and expand networks of friends and partners.

At the congress, the association received a certificate of merit of the Prime Minister while its groups and individuals were awarded other merit certificates and insignia “For peace and friendship of nations” by the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations.

Present at the congress, Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Hong Xiaoyong congratulated the association for the congress’s success. He said that the friendship between Vietnam and China is so precious that the two sides are responsible for preserving and strengthening it.

Source: PAN/vietnamplus.vn

Translated by Mai Huong