PANO - The Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics on October 25 organized a scientific seminar, themed “Vietnam-China relationship: Reality and Issues”, under the chair of the academy’s Director Nguyen Xuan Thang who is also the President of the Vietnam-China Friendship Association.

This was part of the activities in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the normalization of the Vietnam-China ties.

At the seminar

A number of scientists, speakers, researchers, leading experts on foreign relations from the academy, the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Affairs, academies and universities participated in the event.

At the seminar, delegates discussed research results and multidimensional assessments on the 25 years of Vietnam-China relations, especially at the time when the political, economic, and defense-security situations in the region and the world as a whole have been fast changing.

Opinions and reports focused on the reality of the Vietnam-China ties from international prospects on the interests and policies of involved parties to bolster their relations; on recent developments in the East Sea (South China Sea) and other important connotations in their general ties; and impacts on and cooperation opportunities for the two countries.

Almost all delegates agreed that peace, friendship and cooperation are the main factors in the two countries’ ties over the past 25 years. However, shortcomings and differences have remained in their ties.

In the open, objective, and constructive spirit, they acknowledged that though the two countries have tried their best to address differences, results have not been satisfactory. Therefore, in the coming time, the two sides should boost practical cooperation, effectively manage disputes, prevent and control potential conflicts, address major existing challenges in their ties.

They also suggested Vietnam further study and forecast precisely developing policies, potential and challenges from China to give recommendations to the Party, the State and relevant agencies on specific solutions to properly address differences, take full advantage of chances and foster Vietnam’s comprehensive partnership with China at present and in the future.

Translated by Mai Huong