Under the document, PM Pham Minh Chinh is the head of the committee while Deputy PM Le Minh Khai and Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam Nguyen Thi Hong are vice heads. Its members include leaders of ministries and departments.

(Photo for illustration)

The committee is responsible for supporting the PM to direct and implement solutions to restructure credit institutions associated with bad debt settlement following Decision 689/QD-TTg dated June 8, 2022, on approving the Scheme on Restructuring the credit institution system associated with the handling of non-performing loans for the 2021-2025 period, and amending and supplementing documents.

It is also responsible for proposing solutions for solving important problems, difficulties, and challenges in restructuring the system of credit institutions.

The committee will also assist the PM in pushing ministries, branches, and localities to handle issues within the scope of Decision 689. It will perform other tasks relating to restructuring the system of credit institutions associated with bad debt settlement as the PM requests.

Source: VNA