The career website of the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) in Hanoi has become a bridge linking businesses of the Republic of Korea (RoK) and Vietnamese workers.

Launched in early July 2008, the website or have been visited by more than 200 people each day. Almost 50 RoK businesses have posted their recruitment information and more than 200 employees have posted their resumes on the website.

The website is a channel to provide information on the employment by RoK businesses and those who wish to work for RoK businesses in Vietnam, a ccording to KOTRA Hanoi.

KOTRA Hanoi First Deputy Director Park Keun Hyung said that most of RoK enterprises operating in Vietnam are facing difficulties in human resource, especially senior staff and skilled workers. “The launching of the career website by KOTRA Hanoi aims to create a bridge linking RoK enterprises and workers in Vietnam,” he said.

KOTRA Hanoi said that it will send its questions to the RoK businesses in Vietnam to survey the effectiveness of the website, adding it is ready to help RoK businesses in Vietnam if they want to send their staff to the RoK for further training or working.

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the RoK currently ranks fourth among 81 countries and territories investing in Vietnam with 2,022 projects totalling 15.1 billion USD.

Source: VNA