Vinamit Commercial Co. Ltd. has introduced a new product line of canned dried fruits on the eve of the Tet holiday. Processed fruit snacks with the trademark “Snack Lon” include apple, banana, jack-fruit, pineapple, bitter melon, pumpkin, sweet potato, taro and mixed fruit.

Production for Hanoi and northern markets will cost the company more than 30 billion VND, accounting for 50% of the supply.

Vinamit’s Director General Nguyen Lam Vien said that the introduction of Snack Lon aimed at diversifying fruit products of Vietnam, creating a new and dynamic image and sending a message that Vietnam’s agriculture had potential and could be globally competitive.

The production is a close-circuit process from seed selection to post-harvest maintenance. Currently, the company works with farmers to grow fruits as its supply source is an area of more than 50,000 hectares. So far, the firm has set up a network of agencies in many countries such as China, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan and the US.

For the past 5 years, Vinamit has maintained a growth rate of 30% per year with more than 60% of its turnover from export (about 15 million USD).

Source: HNM

Translated By Hoang Anh