The statement was made by Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Huynh Van Son on November 29 at a seminar to promote trade cooperation between the province and Singapore, which attracted the participation of representatives from over 40 Singaporean enterprises.

An overview of the seminar 

Son said that Singapore is currently the leading country in FDI investment in Long An with more than 4 billion USD, accounting for 37% of the total FDI from 40 countries and territories pouring capital into the locality. This proves that the province's investment environment is a leading and reliable destination for Singaporean investors.

Long An hopes Singapore businesses will continue to promote the effectiveness of the model of Vietnam - Singapore industrial parks in a sustainable direction, towards the formation of industrial, innovation, urban, services and high technology ecosystems, he stressed.

He pledged to speed up administrative reform, support investment projects, and ensure investors fully enjoy preferential policies in accordance with regulations, adding that the province is also implementing a plan to improve human resources to meet the needs of businesses.

Singaporean Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Roy Kho said that Long An is one of the important and potential partners for Singapore businesses.

The two sides still have a lot of room to increase cooperation and investment in all fields, particularly in renewable energy, smart city building, logistics, agriculture, and tourism, he emphasized, showing his hope that the seminar will help both sides identify challenges, opportunities and solutions to promote connectivity and create more cooperative and investment relationships.

Source: VNA