The July 4 session saw the ministers acknowledging the sound growth of such collaboration based on the Vietnam - Russia long-standing traditional friendship and agreeing to set up a working group on bilateral sport cooperation. The group, headed by Vietnamese and Russian deputy ministers, will gather representatives from specialized agencies and hold annual meetings on a rotating basis.

Visiting Vietnamese Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung (L) and Russian Minister of Sport Mikhail Vladimirovich Degtyarev sign a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in sports at their meeting in Moscow on July 4.

Vietnam proposed Russia facilitate the training of its athletes in Russia, specifically in disciplines such as boxing for the years 2024 and 2025, and athletics in 2025.

Both sides committed to promoting the participation of their athletes in respective sporting events. Moreover, they pledged ongoing mutual support within international sports organizations and global sports forums.

Degtyarev lauded the active engagement of Vietnamese athletes in Russian-organized tournaments, while Hung took the occasion to congratulate Russia on its significant achievements in sports.

Source: VNA