Vietnam won 121 votes, the highest among Asian-Pacific states.

The Vietnamese delegation at the 24th session of the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention) (Photo:

World Heritage Committee is one of the most important executive bodies of UNESCO. It has the power to decide on key issues related to the recognition of world cultural and natural heritage; review and evaluate the state of conservation of world heritage globally; decide on policies, budgets, guidelines and development orientations of the World Heritage Convention which has 195 state members. Therefore, the election to the 21-member World Heritage Committee is truly a strong competition among candidates.

According to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc, who is also Chairman of the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO and head of the Vietnamese delegation to the above session, this is the second time Vietnam has been elected to the most important executive body for culture of UNESCO.

The diplomat said that it holds important meaning in many aspects, confirming the right foreign policy of the Party and State of Vietnam. The high number of votes also reflected Vietnam’s prestige in the international arena, the international community’s trust in and support for its contribution and chairmanship capacity at global multilateral institutions, and the recognition of the country’s practical contribution to UNESCO and the preservation and promotion of heritage values in Vietnam and the world.

It was also the outcomes of the effective implementation of the cultural diplomacy strategy until 2030, Deputy FM Ngoc added.

Translated by Song Anh