The hand-over ceremony was held on the occasion of the 154th anniversary of the late Russian leader's birthday (April 22, 1870-2024).

At the handover ceremony for the statue in Nghe An province

The copper statue, which weighs 4.5 tons and measures 3.6 meters in height, stood in a more than 1,000sq.m area at the intersection of avenue V.I.Lenin and Nguyen Phong Sac street in Vinh city.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Bui Dinh Long expressed his hope that such cultural diplomatic activities will help the two localities step up cooperation in investment, trade, health care, education-training, tourism, and other spheres.

Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Bezdetko Gennady Stepanovich called the statue as a new symbol of friendship and cooperation between Ulyanovsk and Nghe An, as well as between the two countries.

In 2017, Nghe An and Ulyanovsk also inaugurated a statue of President Ho Chi Minh in the Russian province, the homeland of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Source: VNA