The Government leader highlighted Buddhism’s companionship with Vietnam over the past nearly 2,000 years, saying the religion has played an important part in the spiritual and cultural life of Vietnamese people.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh extends greetings on Buddha's birthday.

Buddhism has significantly contributed to national construction and defense, he said, adding that Buddhist activities have been reformed over the past years, receiving the warm response of followers and people.

The Prime Minister also lauded Buddhism’s material and spiritual contribution to the COVID-19 combat, as well as post-pandemic socio-economic recovery and development.

Through the organization of U.N. Day of Vesak for three times, the VBS has importantly contributed to the development of Buddhism globally, improving the position and role of Vietnam Buddhism, and promoting the image of Vietnam and its people to international friends.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh used the occasion to thank the VBS, monks, nuns and followers both at home and aboard for their contribution to the country over the past time.

The leader affirmed the Party’s and the State’s consistent policy of respecting and ensuring the right to freedom of belief and religion, and suggested the VBS carry forward the tradition of solidarity, encourage monks, nuns and followers to follow guidelines of the Party, and policies and laws of the State, join patriotic emulation movements, and play a more active role in charitable, humanitarian and social welfare activities.

For his part, Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon, President of VBS’s Executive Council, said under the leadership of the Party, State, Government, Vietnam Fatherland Front, ministries and agencies, Lord Buddha's 2567th birthday has been celebrated nationwide, testifying to religious freedom in a peaceful and united country.

Buddhism always accompanies the nation, he affirmed, informing that the VBS earmarks more than VND 2 trillion (USD 85.21 million) each year to social welfare and charity.

He called for further support from the Party and State for the practice of Buddhist followers, and pledged that the VBS will continue guiding monks, nuns and followers across the country to observe the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies, and the VBS’s chapter, thus contributing to national construction and defense.

Source: VNA