Major General Doan Xuan Bo delivers the opening remarks.

The course aimed to provide the participants with basic knowledge of the Vietnam’s revolutionary journalism, military journalism, and the PAN’s traditions. They will be guided on how to write articles, take photos, make video clips and radio news and reports with good quality and efficiency.

In his opening remarks, Major General Doan Xuan Bo, the PAN’s Editor-in-Chief, recalled that the newspaper was first debuted on October 20, 1950 amid the victory of the Border Campaign, bringing strong encouragement to the Party, the whole people and military.

General Bo stressed that during its 72 years of development, the newspaper has promptly held an important position in the social life, gained trust from the Party, the State, the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense, and love from readers.

At the opening ceremony

The newspaper’s editor-in-chief cited Uncle Ho’s teachings as saying that “each soldier, each cadre must write for the army newspaper,” and “each newspaper issue must be a friend of soldiers and each solder in turn must be a good friend of the newspaper.” General Bo added that Uncle Ho’s teachings are the PAN’s operation motto.

Citing General Vo Nguyen Giap’s saying “Making a newspaper issue is like conducting a combined-arms-team combat,” the chief editor stressed that journalism is a combined product which is made by a number of people and includes different stages. He went on to say that the quantity and quality of professional and amateur writers greatly impact a newspaper’s quality and not all professional reporters could lively cover all aspects of social life, military activities, and all fields. So, a newspaper needs collaborators to help increase news updates, diverse and interesting articles.

The newspaper hopes that after this course, collaborators will send more quality articles to the newspaper.

General Bo proudly said that since its inception, together with professional cadres and reporters, the newspaper has attracted numerous amateur writers in different fields and that the newspaper’s regular readers are leaders of the Party, State, Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense, senior officers and soldiers, artists, scientists, researchers, and others.

The newspaper hopes that after this course, with more acquired knowledge of journalism, collaborators will send more quality articles reflecting all aspects of life in the military and society to the newspaper to enrich its coverage in all fields.

Translated by Mai Huong