Entitled “Dang Cong San Viet Nam - Tu Dai hoi den Dai hoi” (The CPV - From Congress to Congress), the exhibition is divided into three sections.

The exhibition entitled CPV - From Congress to Congress

The first introduces how the CPV was founded, with “French Colonialism on Trial” - a book by President Ho Chi Minh, and the CPV’s Brief Political Platform, Brief Policy and Party Statutes approved by the party founding conference in 1930 being exhibited.

The second section, which gives visitors a glimpse into the previous 12 Party Congresses, features reports, speeches, documents, and resolutions delivered and adopted at these events, as well as draft writings from Party General Secretaries.

The third section highlights the preparatory work for the 13th National Party Congress, including all-level Party congresses and voters’ meetings.

Through the exhibition, the museum hopes to provide the public, especially young people, with a better understanding about the CPV’s history alongside Vietnam’s achievements under the CPV’s leadership, said Director Nguyen Van Doan. This will help them be better aware of their responsibility to build a prosperous, peaceful, and developed Vietnam, he added.

The exhibition will run through the end of May.

The 13th National Party Congress is to take place from January 25 to February 2.

Source: VNA