Delegates reminisced about the glorious traditions of the Communist Party of Vietnam and affirmed the completion of the political tasks of the provincial Party Committee of Departments and Businesses and the increased capabilities and combat strength of Party members and cells. These attainments have importantly contributed to the provincial socio-economic development.

At the seminar themed “President Ho Chi Minh’s thought on Party building and revamping” held by the Truth National Political Publishing House

On the occasion, 30-year Party-membership badges were bestowed on 12 Party members while 14 Party organizations, 10 Party cells and 25 Party members were hailed for their excellent task performance.

* During a get-together to mark the 45th founding anniversary of Signal Brigade 575 under Military Region 5, delegates recalled the unit’s glorious tradition. On the occasion, the unit presented 30-year Party membership badges to four Party members and awarded groups and individuals with good outcomes in the emulation program to welcome the Lunar New Year 2020 and celebrate the brigade’s foundation day.

* Meanwhile, a seminar themed “President Ho Chi Minh’s thought on Party building and revamping” held by the Truth National Political Publishing House highlighted the great values of President Ho Chi Minh’s thought and encouraged officials and Party members to self-train and raise their revolutionary morality and promote the fight against individualism. He also urged them to prevent and repel degradation in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, corruption and negative practices. The seminar concluded with officials and Party members being advised to make more contributions to fulfill the 12th Party Congress’s resolutions.

* Apart from honoring 52 typical Party members and organizations in the national patriotic emulation movement, the Dak Lak provincial Party Committee launched a contest on 80 glorious years of the committee and the second press awards on Party building.

* Speeches delivered at the seminar “Ho Chi Minh City’s youths forever trust the Party” emphasized effective models of the city’s youths which have been multiplied nationwide, thus inspiring youth union members to further practice, self-study and engage in more practical activities.

* The achievements of the Vietnamese revolution under the wise leadership of the Party, especially in the renewal process, national industrialization, modernization and international integration cause were highlighted at a workshop hosted by the Party Committee of Regiment 19 under Military Region 4’s Division 968. The workshop also reaffirmed the important and decisive role of Party building in the success of the Vietnamese revolution. It also brought to light the Party’s leadership over the military and the high sense of responsibility of young Party members in the current Party building cause.

At the meeting, participants also discussed approaches to building strong and healthy Party organizations.

Translated by Mai Huong