Archaeologists have affirmed that the two newly found sets of stone percussion instrument in the Central Highland province of Lam Dong date back somewhere between 2,500 and 3,000 years.

The Vice Director of the provincial museum, Doan Thi Ngo, also said on May 27 that the two lithophones, discovered in Hoa Nam and Lien Dam communes in Di Linh district, have the largest number of stone slabs (53) so far in the province.

The Hoa Nam lithophone comprises 30 slabs but only 18 remain intact while 12 others have been partly broken. The one in Lien Dam has 23 pieces, and only 4 are broken.

Archaeologists said the new lithophones share similarities in the their stone type and also the shaping technique to make slabs strike notes when played.

Regarding the arrangement of slabs, they are the same as those found in Dinh La and Son Dien communes, also in Di Linh district, in late 2007.

Source: VOV