The show will be directed by artist Mai Mohab with assistant director Vietnamese People’s Artist Nguyen Tien Dung from the Vietnam Puppet Theater and participation of puppeteers from the Cairo Puppet Theater.

Photo for illustration

‘Isis and Osiris’ is the first water puppet show to be performed in Egypt marking a milestone for the genre in Egypt in particular and in the Middle East region.

The play is based on a story from Egyptian mythology. The performances will take place at 10am at the Thang Long Puppet Theater, 57B Dinh Tien Hoang Street on March 8 and at 9am at the Vietnam Puppet Theater, 361 Truong Chinh.

A workshop to exchange and share water puppet performance experiences between Vietnamese and Egyptian artists is being held from 3pm on March 7.

Water puppetry has the potential to develop in Egypt, a country of the Pharaohs with mythological stories and epics related to the Nile River, according to Mohab. As a result, a three-year co-operative project between Egyptian and Vietnamese puppeteers was carried out with a view to help Egyptian artists perform Vietnamese water puppetry.

Hanoi’s show is held to celebrate the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Source: VNA