Director of the Vietnamese Culture Center in France Nghiem Xuan Dong said that the bilateral relations have developed in various fields, including culture, tourism and sports.

A performance introducing Vietnam's traditional instruments

This is a favorable condition to promote cultural diplomacy activities in the coming time, Dong noted.

However, with limited budget, the organization of large-scale cultural programs and events with the participation of professional art troupes still faces many difficulties. This requires the contribution and cooperation of the society, especially businesses and economic groups, to spread activities and programs to promote Vietnamese culture in France in particular and Europe in general, he stressed.

Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang said that France is the cultural cradle of the world, so the maintenance of the attractiveness of cultural events organized by the Vietnamese side is a big challenge.

Therefore, it is necessary to innovate ways of doing and cultural products, and improve the quality of the products and services to attract the public, and meet more demanding and ever-changing tastes.

This requires a commensurate investment in terms of both financial and human resources, he added.

The year 2023 is forecast to be particularly eventful with a series of activities held in both countries to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam (the Paris Peace Accords for short), the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 10th anniversary of strategic partnership between Vietnam and France.

Source: VNA