This is a traditional ritual that carries distinctive cultural traits, marking a milestone in the life of men.

The San Chi people hold the coming-of-age ceremony for boys from the age of 12 and older. Every man must undergo this ritual to be recognized as an adult. Even men who are married and have children but have not performed this ceremony are not considered fully grown.

After the ceremony, the family of the person undergoing the ritual hosts a feast with wine and meat to invite villagers.

Below are photos of the coming-of-age ceremony of San Chi people.

The rituals are performed by a main ritual master (shaman) and two assistants
The ritual of inviting gods to witness the coming-of-age rite
After the ceremony, the person undergoing the ritual is introduced to villagers
The family of the person undergoing the ritual then hosts a feast for villagers

Translated by Chung Anh