Delegates at the book release

The 224-page book is divided into six parts, demonstrating the acknowledgement of Party and State leaders, international friends, and the public of the contribution of veteran Le Van Kiem and his wife to the national economy-building cause. The book also introduces some typical activities of gratitude, hunger eradication and poverty reduction, scholarship fund raising, and social charity organized by the family of the two labor heroes. It also describes how their children and grandchildren uphold the tradition of the family.

Mr. Kiem and his wife were born into poor families rich in revolutionary traditions. After 1945, they were trained and fostered in the school for Southern students established by the Party and President Ho Chi Minh in the North.  

For his achievements in production and trading and activeness in charitable activities, veteran entrepreneur Le Van Kiem was honored with the title of Labor Hero for the first time in 2008 and the second time with his wife Tran Cam Nhung in 2020. 

Upholding the noble virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers, entrepreneur Le Van Kiem and his family members have obtained achievements in different business fields, such as golf course, mining, solar energy, industrial parks, and high-tech agriculture, among others. The successes in business have facilitated their aspiration to make more contribution to activities of gratitude, hunger eradication and poverty reduction, scholarship fund raising, school building, and social charity.

Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Military Publishing House Senior Colonel Pham Van Truong speaks at the event.

Speaking at the event, Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Military Publishing House Senior Colonel Pham Van Truong said that the book serves as an encouragement for people, especially demobilized troops, to realize their start-up dreams.

Participating generals and artists emphasized that the debut of the book was a clear proof of capabilities of soldiers who are excellent at not only fighting in wartime, but also doing business in peacetime.

Translated by Chung Anh