The “Giao duc trieu Nguyen – vang vong con lai" (Education under Nguyen Dynasty – Remnants of the Golden Time) exhibition shows over 100 documents on education from the feudal period, which are featured at

A space recapturing the academic opening ceremonies in the Nguyen Dynasty (Photo: baotintuc)

The documents include royal papers signed or viewed by kings, as well as wooden printing moulds used to print books during the era.

Many of the documents have been recognized in the UNESCO Memory of the World program.

A wooden printing block says that every spring, two days after the King opens his royal seal for dealing with domestic affairs, the Quoc Tu Giam (imperial academy) hosts a school opening ceremony.

The exhibition features topics such as academic opening ceremonies, teachers, educational issues, examinations and encouraging talent.

Documents show that the academic opening ceremonies were solemnly organized; how schools operated; how examinations were organised to ensure fairness; and how teachers trained students in academic skills and ethics.

Educational experts said that education in the Nguyen Dynasty and earlier reigns used sustainable values, which should be preserved and developed today.

Source: VNA