Both ministers exchanged updates on their respective ministries' achievements in home affairs during the past year, with an emphasis on progress in areas like institutional development, organizational restructuring, personnel reduction and civil service reform.

An overview of the talk

Following the two ministries’ signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation for the 2023-2026 period, they expressed their delight at the increasingly practical and effective collaboration over the past time.

During 2024-2026, the two ministries will continue holding the exchange of high-level delegations and leaders of their units and agencies to review annual cooperation results. Additionally, short-term training courses lasting 1-3 months on home affairs will be provided at Vietnam's National Academy of Public Administration.

They further agreed to enhance knowledge sharing and offer direct support in areas where each holds expertise, such as personnel training in public administration, archives management, religious affairs, emulation and commendation, and State organization science.

On a final note, both sides pledged to collaborate on submitting a digital transformation project of the Lao Ministry of Home Affairs for approval by their respective governments. The project aims to enhance operational efficiency, transparency, accountability and cost-effectiveness in the Lao ministry.

Source: VNA