H’Yim Kdoh, Deputy Chairman of the Dak Lak Provincial People’s Committee and Head of the province’s Special Committee, and Win Si Thuon, Vice Governor of and Deputy Head of the Special Committee of Mondulkiri province co-chaired the event.

The Vietnamese side presents gifts to the Cambodian side

At the event, the two sides reviewed their cooperation results over the past time, especially in implementing contents of the annual memorandums of understanding on searching and repatriating sets of remains of Vietnamese war martyrs, who laid down their lives in wartime in Mondulkiri province.

Particularly, the armed forces and people of Mondulkiri province have always created favorable conditions for and helped members of Team K51 of Dak Lak province perform their tasks.

Both sides also discussed relevant matters to find solutions to address difficulties and enhance collaboration in the time to come. They agreed on the estimated time and places to conduct the search for martyrs’ remains when the COVID-19 is under control and the Cambodian government allows normal cross-border trade activities.

On the occasion, under the authorization of the Vietnamese government, the Special Committee of Dak Lak province handed over a supporting fund to the Special Committee of Mondulkiri province, presented certificates of merit of Military Region 5 and the Provincial People’s Committee to three Cambodian groups and 10 individuals.

Translated by Trung Thanh