The Lao leader underlined the role and importance of people-to-people diplomacy and the cooperation between the two countries' front organizations and friendship associations. He suggested the two sides make the best use of existing cooperative mechanisms, actively share experience and help each other for mutual development.

At the reception 

Chien briefed the Lao leader on the outcomes of cooperation between the VFF and VLFA and their Lao counterparts, affirming the VFF Central Committee and VLFA's commitment to working closely with their Lao partners to effectively implement agreements between leaders of both parties and countries, as well as those between the two front organizations and friendship associations.

He underlined the need to increase experience sharing, people-to-people exchange, and actively raise public awareness about the bilateral traditional friendship, especially among the youth.

In the evening the same day, Party General Secretary and President To Lam and his spouse hosted a banquet in honor of the Lao Party and State leader, his spouse and the Lao high-ranking delegation.

Source: VNA