The Lao official made the affirmation on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the day of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and advisors in Laos (October 30, 1949 – 2023).

Vietnamese military advisors and Lao soldiers

Seventy-four years ago, on October 30, 1949, the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Indochinese Communist Party made a decision that Vietnam's military personnel tasked with assisting the Lao revolution were organized into a volunteer army. This marked a step of development of the Vietnamese military forces in the Lao battlefield and affirmed the Party's guidelines and viewpoints in performing international tasks. Since that day, October 30 is made the foundation day of the Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and advisors in Laos.

With the spirit of proletarian internationalism and implementing the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh, generations of Vietnamese officers, volunteer soldiers, and advisors stood side by side with the officers and soldiers of the Lao People's Liberation Army and the Lao people to win the complete victory in the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the U.S. imperialists during 1945-1975, contributing to developing the great relations, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between two nations.

Lao leaders and people have acknowledged and valued the remarkable achievements and contribution of Vietnamese voluntary soldiers and advisors.

Former Party General Secretary and President of Laos Choummaly Sayasone recalled that in all main battles across Laos there were always Vietnamese volunteer soldiers coordinating with the Lao military, which he said has become a tradition created by the two parties and the two countries.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Laos, Gen. Chansamone Chanyalath emphasized that that valuable support contributed to forming a special and great friendship between the Parties, States, armies, and the people of the two nations.

Lao Minister of Planning and Investment and Chairman of the Laos - Vietnam Cooperation Committee, Khamjane Vongphosy spotlighted the fruitful development of Laos - Vietnam cooperation across fields, saying that it has reached an unprecedented level in the history of their bilateral relationship.

In a speech delivered on July 18, 2022 in Hanoi on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation between the two nations, Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed the Party, State and people of Vietnam always strongly supported Laos' reform process and attach importance to and give top priority to the special relationship as both comrades and brothers of the two countries.

At a ceremony marking the anniversary same day in Vientiane, Party General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith also stressed that the Lao Party, State, and people are determined to further deepen the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam, thus bringing practical benefits to their people.

Source: VNA