At the beginning of the article, the author stressed that the lesson of struggling for national liberation by internal strength in Vietnam nearly one century ago has maintained its values, which will never change. 


A Hanoi street decorated with banners to celebrate the 78th anniversary of the August Revolution (Photo: Vietnam+)

After two resistance wars against foreign invaders and nearly 40 years of reform, Vietnam has been developing strongly in the international arena, the article said.

It recalled President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal to all people to join the General Uprising in 1945, saying Vietnam’s strength has been fostered through thousands of years and it lies with the great national unity bloc.

The author also highlighted Vietnamese people’s confidence in the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) during the cause of national construction.

The country has reaped great achievements over the past nearly four decades, the article said, lauding Vietnam’s spirit of independence, self-reliance, and intensive and extensive international integration.

The article concluded that Vietnam’s increasing strengths have given the country opportunities to integrate into the world, and become friends and reliable partners of countries for national socio-economic development.

Source: VNA