It is what General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith shared in an interview granted to the press after learning about the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith (Photo: VNA)

Talking about the role and contribution of comrade Nguyen Phu Trong to the cause of national construction and development, caring for the people, Party building and rectification, and corruption combat in Vietnam, the Lao President underlined that comrade Nguyen Phu Trong had an in-depth knowledge in both theory and practice about Vietnam’s socio-economic development. The Vietnamese Party chief carried out intensive research into Marxism-Leninism and the path to socialism, and most importantly, applied Ho Chi Minh’s thought in his leadership, building a constantly growing Vietnam.

Currently, Vietnam has been praised as a nation with stable development and remarkable progress, he continued, attributing the country’s socio-economic development to the wise leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The Lao leader shared that he had met, worked and had meals with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong many times. He was impressed by the Vietnamese Party chief’s capability and extensive knowledge. The General Secretary put forward a consistent foreign policy, helping Vietnam stand out in the international arena in each period.

“Every time I met and talked to comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, I could feel his sincerity and sentiments as a true comrade and true brother of Lao leaders and people,” Thongloun Sisoulith shared.

The Lao General Secretary still remembered comrade Nguyen Phu Trong’s saying, “We work together, we progress together, we learn from each other.” The comrade also used to say that the friendship and solidarity between Laos and Vietnam are unique in the world. Those words really came from his heart, Thongloun Sisoulith stressed.

Translated by Quynh Oanh