October 14, 2019 | 16:55 (GMT+7)
Cambodian alumni in Vietnam gather in Phnom Penh
About 100 Cambodian alumniin Vietnam held a get-together in Phnom Penh on October 13 to reminisce about their memories ofthe country.
CambodianUnder-Secretary of State of the Ministry of Commerce Sam Sereyrath said the annual event aims to strengthen the close relationship among those who used to study in Vietnam, thereby promoting mutual support.
Sam Sereyrath, who had studied in Vietnam in the 1980s, thanked the Vietnamese Party and Government for training generations of Cambodian students over the years.
Participants at the event |
The community of Cambodian alumni in Vietnam was set up in 2009 with about 300 members.
Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Vu Quang Minh lauded the idea of organising the function annually to create a chance for them to strengthen their connectivity and exchange.
Khun Simon, a representative of the alumni, spoke highly of the tertiary training system in Vietnam.
He noted that many Cambodians have held high positions in the Cambodian Government after returning from Vietnam, stressing that Vietnam’s support has made great contributions to the growth of Cambodia.
Over the years, Vietnam has provided scholarships for Cambodian students with the aim of helping the country develop human resources.
Source: VNA