It was launched on October 1 within the framework of the ongoing 4th Singapore International Cyber Week.

Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security of Singapore Teo Chee Hean said the master plan is a good example to strengthen the national cyber security defense.

Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security of Singapore Teo Chee Hean speaks at the event.

He stressed the importance of addressing threats of cyber-attacks so that the government can provide assurance to the public along with its Smart Nation initiatives.

The Singaporean official also announced the launch of a program which will provide a channel for everyone to report vulnerabilities they discover on any Internet-facing government systems or applications.

With the program, everyone has a shared responsibility to make the cyberspace safer and more resilient, he added.

The Singapore International Cyber Week runs until October 3 with the participation of governmental officials, policy-makers, business leaders, industry experts and academia from around the world.

Source: VNA