August 12, 2023 | 23:42 (GMT+7)
Argentina, ASEAN step up cooperation, integration
The embassies of Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia in Argentina, in coordination with the Argentine Foreign Ministry, held a ceremony in Buenos Aires on August 11 to mark the 56th founding anniversary of ASEAN (August 8).
Ambassador Grace Cruz-Fabella of the Philippines, rotating Chair of the ASEAN Committee in Buenos Aires (ACBA), reviewed the formation and development of the bloc since 1967, highlighting notable achievements in all fields that have turned ASEAN into a united, dynamic and reputable community.
With a total GDP of nearly 3.6 trillion USD, ASEAN has become the third largest economy in Asia and the fifth largest in the world, she said.
She also highlighted the potential of ASEAN cooperation with Argentina, especially in trade, investment and digital technology.
Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister Pablo Tettamanti described ASEAN as a key partner in Argentina’s external policy. Among the top 10 trade partners of Argentina, two are ASEAN member nations.
He highlighted the Argentine Government's commitment to enhancing relations with ASEAN not only in traditional areas like trade but also in science and high technology, atomic energy for peaceful purposes, space industry, and artificial intelligence.
On the occasion, ASEAN countries with diplomatic missions in Argentina introduced traditional costumes and distinctive culinary cultures of each nation to the guests.
Source: VNA