China is a market always expected to help with the recovery of Vietnam’s aviation and tourism sectors, a representative of Vietravel Airlines said, noting that the Vietravel tourism and aviation group sees many positive signals when China decided to open group tours to Vietnam from March 15.

A plane of Vietravel Airlines (Photo for illustration)

As a member of Vietravel, which possesses a complete tourism ecosystem with various inbound and outbound tours, Vietravel Airlines has been making thorough preparations to access and serve a large number of holidaymakers, especially in the peak season of summer, the carrier said.

As the Chinese government will permit only group tours, the airline, with the advantage of its strong bonds with the Vietravel travel company, has also signed contracts with some partners to conduct charter flights between Vietnam and China in the coming time.

It will focus on the routes connecting some big cities of China, namely Hangzhou, Changzhou, and Kunming, with Nha Trang city in Vietnam’s Central province of Khanh Hoa.

The reopening of the Chinese market promises vibrancy for both tourism and aviation sectors of Vietnam. However, complying with flight safety and anti-pandemic rules of the two countries is among challenges carriers need to overcome, according to Vietravel Airlines.

Source: VNA