August 09, 2019 | 17:20 (GMT+7)
More trains arranged for National Day holiday
More than 50 additional trains will be operated in various routes aimed at serving rising number of passengers during the coming National Day holidays, according to the Vietnam Railways (VNR).
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As many as 35 extra trains will be mobilised for routes in the southern region to serve passengers during the holiday. |
From August 29 to September 2, as many as 35 extra trains equivalent to 17,000 seats will be mobilised for routes in the southern region, particularly between HCM City and Phan Thiet, Nha Trang, Quy Nhon, Quang Ngai and Da Nang.
In the north, the VNR will arrange additional 18 trains between Hanoi and Da Nang, Dong Hoi, Vinh and Lao Cai.
Routes linking Hanoi with Lao Cai, Hai Phong, Dong Dang and Quan Trieu; and Yen Vien with Ha Long will have 10 return journeys per day as normal and more carriages will be connected in case of increasing demand.
Tickets can be purchased at the website,, train stations or ticket offices nationwide.
The National Day (September 2) will fall on Monday, and workers will have a three-day holiday, including the weekend.
Source: VNA