March 04, 2021 | 20:27 (GMT+7)
Korean, German to be piloted as first foreign languages
Schools nationwide will pilot the teaching of Korean and German as first foreign languages under a decision freshly issued by the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET).
Many foreign languages have been taught in schools of Vietnam over the years, with those being mandatory including English, French, Chinese, Russian, and, later, Japanese.
Second languages, which are optional, included Korean and German.
Many foreign languages have been taught in schools of Vietnam over the years. Photo: vietnamnet |
The MoET explained that positive results have been seen in teaching Korean and German as second foreign languages in some provinces and cities and students' demand is also on the rise.
To help reduce the pressure on those who select Korean and German as their second foreign languages while also studying a first foreign language, the MoET has decided to temporarily elevate the two to the first foreign language category.
The move is also in keeping with framework agreements signed between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea and Germany on teaching their languages at Vietnamese schools.
The pilot program will be rolled out in areas with great demand and which are able to ensure necessary conditions in terms of teachers, facilities, links between levels of education, and registration with the MoET.
For its part, the ministry will keep a close watch on the implementation of the program to guarantee its efficiency and students’ rights.
It will assess its effectiveness and feasibility and afterwards consider whether to make the two languages official first foreign languages at schools.
Source: VNA