The program involves the participation of over 3,000 voluntary students organized into 18 teams to provide direct assistance to candidates at the 2023 high school graduation exams. A new feature of the program is the implementation of the "Digital Volunteering" activity, aimed at providing comprehensive support to candidates throughout the stages of the examination.

At the launching ceremony

This year, the Student Support Center of Ho Chi Minh City, in collaboration with the Thanh Nien (Youth) Newspaper, launched the "Vigor for exam” scholarship to award a total estimated value of VND 100 million to candidates facing particularly difficult circumstances.

The program also received support from various organizations in the form of exam support handbooks, meals, and handheld umbrellas. The total value for organizing the program exceeds VND 3 billion.

The program will continue until October 2023.

Translated by Song Anh