Under her recently-issued document, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra, a member of the Government’s steering committee on reviewing the implementation of the 12th Party Central Committee's Resolution No.18-NQ/TW, which seeks to streamline the political system for greater efficiency, stated that the Government issued Decree No.178/2024/ND-CP on December 31, outlining policies and regimes for officials, civil servants, public employees, and military personnel involved in the restructuring of the state apparatus.

The civil service workforce will be cut by at least 20%.

To ensure the successful implementation of these reforms, the Government's steering committee called for comprehensive political education and awareness campaigns. These efforts will help public servants, especially those directly affected, understand the broader benefits of the restructuring. It also stresses the need to prioritize collective interests over personal considerations and to recognize and reward individuals and organizations that make significant contributions to the reorganization process.

The decree also urged the urgent development and issuance of specific criteria tailored to the characteristics and circumstances of each ministry, agency, sector, and locality. Additionally, responsibility for workforce assessments and layoff decisions will lie with Party organizations, administrative bodies, and the heads of organizations that directly manage civil servants.

Effective January 1, Decree No.178 introduces eight key policy areas, including early retirement incentives, leadership transition policies, grassroots work adjustments, talent retention programs, training initiatives for remaining staff, and provisions for military and security personnel.

Source: VNA