N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and participating children (Photo: qdnd.vn)

The session, jointly held by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee and the Central Council of the Ho Chi Minh Vanguard Children's Union in coordination with the N.A. Committee for Culture and Education and N.A. Office, is part of actions to enforce the Children Law 2016.

Item a, Clause 2 of Article 77 of the law stipulates the need to facilitate children's contact with deputies of the National Assembly and people's councils, while Clause 4 of Article 79 said that deputies of the National Assembly and people’s councils at all levels shall, on a regular and periodical basis, get in contact with children or their representatives.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue addresses the event. (Photo: qdnd.vn)

The session is significant in promoting children's engagement in issues related to them and prompting administrations at all levels to enhance their sense of responsibility in caring for, protecting and educating children.

Participants, in the role of N.A. deputies, engaged in discussions on how to ensure children's healthy and creative interactions in cyberspace, and the prevention and control of accidents, injuries, violence and abuse against children.

A view of the first "Children's National Assembly" hypothetical session (Photo: qdnd.vn)

Opening the event, Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee and President of the Central Council of the Ho Chi Minh Vanguard Children's Union Nguyen Pham Duy Trang said that the session is expected to give children better understanding on the political system and the State apparatus as well as important activities such as constitutional and legislative activities and the decision making process for important matters of the country as well as the supreme supervision of the N.A., which is the highest organ of State power that represents the people's will and aspirations.

It also offers a chance for the children to raise their voice on children-related issues, seek solutions for children's own problems and inspires them to become a future leader, she said.

Children play the role of N.A. deputies at the hypothetical session.

Trang said that the agenda of the session was chosen by the children representatives themselves based on ideas from more than 41,000 children representing 25 million children across the country.

She said that opinions gathered at the session will be a reference source for leaders of the N.A., government, agencies, sectors and localities to build programs, projects and plans related to children and design children-related policies.

Source: VNA