Commercial Counselor of Demark in Vietnam Troels Jakobsen speaks at the event. 

In his speech, Mr. Troels Jakobsen, Commercial Counselor of Demark in Vietnam, shared that the event helped encourage students to explore science, sharpen their computing skills through practical and more assessable software.

In Vietnam, this year’s competition drew over 1,200 contestants aged six to 19 from 330 schools and education centers in 18 cities and provinces across the country.

The champion of the contest in Vietnam in 2023

Under the theme “Connecting The World,” the Robotacon WRO is a competition based on a science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) educational approach. Through various robotics competitions and challenges, the young competitors are given a platform to showcase their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as to develop new projects.

The 14 winning teams of the tournament in Vietnam will participate in the international competition which is expected to take place in Panama in November this year.

Translated by Song Anh