May 10, 2019 | 20:30 (GMT+7)
Outstanding events of 2018 National Target Programme announced
The Central Steering Committee for 2016-2020 National Target Programmes (NTPs) on May 8 announced a list of success in fulfilling the NTPs in 2018.
The Central Steering Committee for 2016-2020 National Target Programmes (NTPs) on May 8 announced a list of success in fulfilling the NTPs in 2018. (Photo: |
The committee said that the NTP on building new-style rural areas surpassed targets set by the National Assembly (NA) and the Government. By the end of 2018, 43.02 percent of communes and 61 districts across the nation were recognised as new-style rural areas, laying the foundation to increase the ratio to 50 percent by 2019, completing the NA’s goal a year ahead of schedule.
Total capital mobilised for new-style rural area programme surged 50 percent from 2017. Of this, local budgets contributed 43.8 trillion VND (1.88 billion USD), half of the amount for 2011-2015.
Last year also witnessed impressive results in poverty alleviation, with the poverty rate falling to 5.38 percent in 2018 from 6.73 percent the previous year. This was the third consecutive year the poverty reduction target was completed and exceeded the target assigned by the NA.
The fund for the poor also had a banner year, mobilising more than 863 billion VND.
For the first time, a multi-dimensional poverty report in Vietnam was developed and issued. It gave an overview of the multidimensional poverty reduction trends in Vietnam, as well as recommendations for implementing the NTP on sustainable poverty reduction.
Source: VNA