The activity has contributed to raising students’ awareness of preserving and upholding the national cultural identities and promoting the movement to build a friendly school with active students.

Every year, these schools organize traditional festivals, including the rain praying festival (Thai ethnic group), and festivals to pray for peace and make “banh day” (round glutinous rice cake) of the H'mong ethnic people, among others.

These activities help students preserve their ethnic cultural identity, develop their personalities, and heighten their responsibilities for their families and hometowns.

Students of Ngoc Linh Primary School in Son La city in traditional costumes
Students of Phieng Pan Ethnic Semi-boarding Primary and Secondary School embroider Pieu scarves.
An extracurricular activity of students of Son La Ethnic Boarding High School
Bamboo flute club of Son La Ethnic Boarding High School
Students of Son La Ethnic Boarding High School play a folk game of the Tay ethnic people.

Translated by Quynh Oanh