The event was attended by Politburo member and Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan, Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong, and Chairwoman of the municipal People’s Council Nguyen Thi Quyet Tam.

It also saw the presence of foreign consuls general and their spouses, along with representatives of foreign consulates, economic-trade-cultural agencies, foreign business associations, and international and non-governmental organizations in HCM City.

Delegates at the banquet

In his speech, Phong said 73 years ago, under the leadership of then President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Vietnamese people launched the great August Revolution to regain national independence and establish the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, opening an era of independence, self-reliance, freedom and social progress for the country.

The spirit and the will of the August Revolution helped the Vietnamese people weather all difficulties and challenges to win the struggle for national liberation and reunification three decades later and succeeded in national reforms and development over the last 32 years, he noted.

Phong added that joining in the country’s dynamic development, HCM City has continually made efforts to deserve the status of being the economic locomotive of Vietnam and the center of the Southern key economic region.

To achieve development targets, aside from potential and internal strength, the city also needs the close cooperation and wholehearted support from the international community, he said, noting that it will exert every effort to improve the investment climate and create the best possible conditions for businesses.

The official also thanked foreign friends for practically contributing to local development, expressing his hope that foreign consulates, organizations and enterprises will continue assisting HCM City in becoming a wealthy and beautiful locality.

On behalf of foreign consuls in the city, Consul General of Russia Aleksey V. Popov offered congratulations on Vietnam’s National Day, describing the September 2, 1945 as a great historical event marking the foundation of the first State of workers and farmers in Southeast Asia and also heralding the major achievements in the fight for national liberation and development efforts later.

He also congratulated HCM City on its attainments, noting that it has continually taken the lead in socio-economic reforms and clearly shown its role as an important gateway for trade, economic, investment, technological and cultural exchanges in Asia-Pacific.

The diplomat thanked local authorities for creating favorable conditions for foreign consulates to fulfill their duties. He pledged more efforts to consolidate the friendship and all-round cooperation between foreign countries and Vietnam, including HCM City.

Source: VNA