Le Vo Phuong Mai, a Vietnamese who studied in Cardiff University, has successfully defended her Doctoral dissertation which opposes the European and American economic model and shows a more perfect one.

Born in Hanoi, Mai went to live with her parents in Saint Petersburg when she was 12.

She was always at the top of her class in all grades when she studied in this city.

After finishing secondary school, Mai moved to the UK to join a preparation programme for university.

Mai was qualified to study at famous universities like Cambridge and Oxford after this programme. However, she chose to study Economics at Cardiff University because the programme in this university is shorter.

For four years at Cardiff University, Le Vo Phuong Mai was the only Vietnamese student who ranked the highest at the course.

Moreover, after graduating in 2003, Mai became the first student at Cardiff University who was allowed to study for a Doctoral Degree, skipping the Master’s level.

After finishing her Doctoral Dissertation, Mai was granted a scholarship worth £ 200,000 for her post-doctoral research on macro-economic models and monetary policies.

The prestigious scholarships, given by the UK Ministry of Education, were granted to only 15 people who had good research topics.

Mai used math and statistics to analyse the macro economic models. She focused on European and American economies where banking systems, monetary policies and financial experts have strong influences.

Prof. Patrick Minford, who worked as an economic consultant for former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, helped her a lot during the time she carried out her research.

In her work, Mai criticized some theoretical principles of European and American economic models. In her opinion, those models had been applied from after World War II to 2004 and these economies could not develop fast.

Mai built a new economic model for the world, based on the present New Keynesian Model and the old New Classical. Mai’s research pointed out that the two models combined together would work better.

Mai’s new model was presented in front of famous researchers and many agreed with her. Some people opposed her opinion but they could not give a better replacement.

Mai’s research will soon be published in an economic magazine in the U.K while she is researching about the housing bubble in the US and the current global economic crisis.

Mai also planned to return to Vietnam to help the best students in the country find a way to study in the best universities in the UK.

She said that she is in love with a Doctor who is teaching at Cardiff University. They plan to hold their wedding in Hanoi in the traditional Vietnamese style in this Lunar New Year.

Source: CPV