UNOMIG military observers on a patrol in the area of operations, Gali, Georgia. Photo: UN

Vietnam has affirmed its support for the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and the UN Observer Mission in Georgia in helping ensure security, facilitating dialogues between the sides, and providing rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance during the conflict in Abkhazia and Georgia.

At a session of the UN Security Council on the situation in Georgia in New York on April 14, Ambassador Bui The Giang, Deputy Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, also welcomed the steps proposed by the Group of Friends of the Secretary-General at the last Geneva meeting on 18-19 February 2008. “We believe that they will create opportunities for narrowing mutual suspicions between Georgia and Abkhazia, and bringing about a common ground for a comprehensive and long-term solution to the conflict,” he said.

Stressing that the success of the conflict resolution mechanisms rests with the two sides themselves, the Vietnamese diplomat called on Abkhazia and Georgia to exercise restraint, engage in earnest confidence-building measures, and focus on the gradual restoration of a bilateral working relationship across a range of issues, including security, the return of internally displaced persons and refugees, economic rehabilitation and humanitarian activities.

He urged existing international mechanisms, including Coordinators, Quadripartite Meetings, Ad Hoc High-Level Group on Security Questions, the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Joint Fact-Finding Group, to further engage in providing the sides with assistance in community-based protection and confidence-building activities, education-related projects, as well as shelter repair and income generation.

Finally, Ambassador Giang voiced support for the Secretary-General’s recommendation on the extension of UNOMIG’s mandate in Georgia for another six months, until 15 October 2008.

Source: VNA