The following is the full text of his speech.

Speech by H.E. President Vo Van Thuong at the Celebration of the 78th  National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

"Vietnam's Confident Strides on Path of National Independence and Socialism for Global Peace, Friendship, Cooperation and Development"

Comrade Leaders of the Communist Party, State, and Fatherland Front of Vietnam,

Excellency Ambassador Saadi Salama, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,

Excellencies Ambassadors, Charge d'Affaires, and Chief Representatives of   international organizations  in Hanoi,

Distinguished guests,

Dear friends,

I am greatly delighted to meet with all esteemed comrades and distinguished guests at the Celebration of the 78th National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam today.

On behalf of the Party, State,and people of Vietnam, I would like to extend my warmest welcome and best wishes to all esteemed leaders, distinguished guests, and dear friends.


Distinguished guests,

In August 1945, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, millions of Vietnamese people rallied as one to carry out the General Uprising, overthrowing the yoke of feudal and colonial reigns and reclaiming leadership for the people.

The victory of the 1945 August Revolution is one of the most glorious chapters in the history of Vietnam. It underscores the remarkable strength of the great national unity, and ushered in a quantum leap for the Vietnamese nation - an era of national independence aligned with socialism. The people of Vietnam were able to escape subjugation and retake mastery over their country and their own fate.

President Vo Van Thuong delivers a speech at the event.

President Ho Chi Minh stated that, “The August Revolution overthrew a monarchy spanning dozens of centuries, broke the shackles of colonial rules for nearly 100 years, brought authority back to the people, and laid the foundation for a Democratic Republic of Vietnam - a country of independence, freedom, and happiness. This is a profound shift in the history of our nation.”

On September 2, 1945, at Ba Dinh Square, President Ho Chi Minh solemnly read the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. He announced to the world that, “Vietnam has the right to enjoy its freedom and independence, and it has, in fact, become a free and independent country. The entire people of Vietnam are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and properties to safeguard the said freedom and independence.”

Since the Revolutionary Autumn of 1945, in the spirit of “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom,” the Vietnamese nation fought valiantly through countless arduous wars, with millions of this land’s outstanding individuals having laid down their lives for national liberation and unification, and fort he building and protection of their Fatherland.

Upon the launch of Doi Moi, with the goals of “wealthy people, a strong country of democracy, equality and civilization,” the people of Vietnam once again entered a fierce struggle to eradicate hunger, poverty, and outdatedness, and recorded historic accomplishments. Socio-political stability has been maintained.

Defense and security have been firmly safeguarded. Social security has been ensured. People’s living standards have constantly improved. From a country that has yet to make itself known on the global stage, Vietnam has now established diplomatic ties with 192 countries. It has emerged as one of the most dynamic economies in the Asia - Pacific, and affirmed its role as an important part of numerous economic linkages, free trade agreements, and production chains in the region and the world. Vietnam is indeed a country of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development, and a beautiful, safe, friendly, and hospitable destination.


Distinguished guests,

An invaluable asset and significant source of strength for Vietnam to overcome all challenges and losses have long stemmed from the people’s patriotism, great national unity, unwavering resolve and bravery, relentless pursuit of self-reliance and resilience, and burning aspiration for independence, freedom, peace, and happiness.

Such noble values are tempered, preserved, and harnessed over the nation’s national construction and protection efforts spanning thousands of years.

Vietnam is striving to fulfill the aspiration to become a developed, high-income country by 2045. To this end, we remain steadfast in promoting the holistic and comprehensive implementation of Doi Moi and engaging in extensive and comprehensive international integration. Vietnam also continues to improve as a socialist law-governed state and a socialist-oriented market economy.

At the same time, Vietnam is making efforts to firmly safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and preserve and build upon the invaluable legacies cultivated by generations of Vietnamese people.

Throughout this process, the people have always been placed at the heart of Vietnam’s endeavors. They are the actor, the driver, and the consistent goal of all development policies. Vietnam always strives to mobilize the strength of the entire nation, and perseveringly pursues the philosophy of national independence aligned with socialism that the Party, President Ho Chi Minh, and the Vietnamese people have chosen.


Distinguished guests,

President Ho Chi Minh - a Hero of National Liberation and a Great Man of Culture of Vietnam - once said: “Vietnam is a component of the world and anything that happens in the world is truly relevant to Vietnam.”

Following his teachings, over the past years, Vietnam has always conducted a consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralization of external relations. Vietnam is a friend, a reliable partner, and a responsible member of the international community for peace, stability, cooperation and development worldwide.

Vietnam has successfully assumed numerous positions at multilateral forums, and joined hands in realizing the goals of promoting development, protecting human rights, and contributing to the maintenance of global peace. Vietnam’s efforts have earned the recognition and affection from international friends.

The country’s various stages of development all bore witness to the warm sentiment, kind support, effective and substantive cooperation, and assistance in good faith by numerous friends around the world.

On the occasion of Vietnam’s momentous celebration, on behalf of the Party, State, and people of Vietnam, I would like to once again extend my sincere gratitude to friends, partners, and the progressive people worldwide for having stood with Vietnam and offered us your affection, trust, and invaluable support and friendship over the past 78 years.

You have indeed helped Vietnam possess a grand fortune, potential, prestige and international profile as never before. This also serves as a strong foundation to further nurture this enduring bond of friendship and cooperation in the years to come.


Distinguished guests,

We are living in a world of uncertainties and complexities, wherein countries are facing greater risks and challenges. Global, traditional, and non-traditional security issues continue to evolve in a complicated manner, and threaten stability and sustainable development. Conflicts and divisions are still occurring in many regions. Geo-political tensions continue to escalate. Multilateralism and international law are confronted with various challenges.

For common peace and prosperity for all countries to be maintained, Vietnam is of the view that, we need to stand united, bolster cooperation, uphold multilateralism, and observe the U.N. Charter and international law.

Vietnam stands ready to serve as a bridge to facilitate cooperation and dialogue, reinforce multilateralism, and promote peaceful settlement of disputes based on the U.N. Charter and international law. Vietnam shall always remain a close and loyal friend, a reliable partner, and a responsible member of the international community.

I do hope that Excellencies Ambassadors, Chargés d’Affaires and Chief Representatives of international organizations will continue to represent good faith, sincerity, trust, and close bond, and make meaningful contribution to further enhancing the ties between Vietnam and other partners worldwide.


Distinguished guests,

Art is a magical language that can bring people closer together, connecting kindred souls via emotions of the heart. The melodies of today’s artistic performances will bring forth a sense of joy stemming from cultural and traditional values of the peace-loving and compassionate Vietnamese nation. Such values have transcended time and space, and entwined with the quintessence of the culture of mankind, thereby bringing Vietnam to the world, and bringing the world closer to Vietnam.

Once again, I would like to thank all comrades, distinguished guests, and friends for your attendance at today’s event.

I wish you all good health, happiness, and greater success! 

Thank you for your attention!

Source: VNA