Based on the results of this Q&A session, the N.A. Standing Committee will issue a resolution on the questioning, specifying concrete requirements for each issue, including clear deadlines for implementation and completion.

The top legislator asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade to maintain the effective implementation of approved projects, strategies, master plans and plans to ensure energy safety, security, and electricity pricing; improve the legal framework in fuel business; and develop long-term solutions for managing and storing national petrol and oil reserves.

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man speaks at the session.

The ministry must effectively carry out market management, prevention, and control of smuggling, trade fraud, counterfeits, and low-quality products; and create favorable conditions to boost import and export activities.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was required to continue perfecting policies and laws concerning trademarks and brands of key agricultural products; improve forecasting; proactively implement measures to respond to climate change, natural disasters, droughts, and saltwater intrusion; and ensure water resources for both production and daily life.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism was urged to issue guidance on the policies that have not yet been implemented under the Politburo’s Resolution No.08-NQ/TW dated January 6, 2017, regarding the development of tourism into a key economic sector. The ministry should create mechanisms to encourage and mobilize social resources for investment in culture and the cultural industry, and implement strict measures to address violations of social ethical standards.

The N.A. leader asked the Ministry of Justice to drastically combat corruption and other negative phenomena in law-making; and research and propose amendments to the Law on Forensic Assessment to promptly address difficulties and obstacles in forensic activities, find solutions to improve the implementation of administrative judgments, and enhance the effectiveness of asset recovery in economic and corruption-related criminal cases.

The Ministry of Public Security should continue to refine policies and laws related to ensuring security, public order and safety, as well as combating crime and legal violations on security and order, Man said, asking for more efforts to fight and prevent all types of crime, particularly organized ones that involved in “credit sharks," transnational crimes, and criminal activities disguised as business operations.

The top legislator requested the Government Inspectorate to review and thoroughly solve outstanding, complicated, and prolonged complaints and denunciations; and improve the quality of dissemination and education of law, and training in citizen reception and handling complaints and denunciations.

The Supreme People's Court should focus on solutions to accelerate progress and further improve the quality of judgments, better mediation and dialogue in the process of handling cases, while the Supreme People's Procuracy should effectively carry out its mission to prevent wrongful convictions and ensure no criminals are overlooked, Man stressed.

The N.A. Chairman emphasized that Party General Secretary and State President To Lam has frequently highlighted the critical role and urgent need to advance institutional development, promptly address difficulties and obstacles to boost socio-economic development, ensure national defense and security, and fight corruption and other negative phenomena.

Therefore, this Q&A session also contributes positively to advancing these important tasks and requirements, he affirmed.

Earlier in the morning, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Le Thanh Long clarified a number of related issues under the Government's responsibility.

In response to the opinions of the N.A. Standing Committee and deputies, the Government and the Prime Minister will continue to focus on directing ministries, sectors, and localities to make more efforts and determination in implementing the committee’s resolutions on thematic supervision and questioning, Long stated.

He added that the Government hopes for continued attention, support, and supervision of the National Assembly, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, political and social organizations, mass organizations, N.A. deputies, and voters nationwide to strive to achieve the highest goals, tasks, and plans for 2024, thus contributing to the successful implementation of the socio-economic development tasks for 2021-2025 in accordance with the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the Resolutions of the National Assembly.

Source: VNA