Phung Quang Minh, a Party member and deputy head of the Information Technology section under the Hanoi Customs Office, expressed his view that unity within the Party and the selection of persons with both talent and ethics in congresses of all-level Party organizations are the two essential issues. If those two issues are addressed in a serious and righteous manner, the Party will win people’s approval and support, thus contributing to promoting national development and strengthening the prestige of the Party and the State.

Delegates at the 12th plenum of the Party Central Committee

According to Minh, the fact that nearly 100 high-ranking Party officials have been punished or disciplined, including imprisonment, since the beginning of the 12th tenure demonstrates the Party’s high resolve in fighting corruption and negative phenomena, leaving no banned zones in the fight. But at the same time it also revealed alarming signs in personnel work of the Party.

“If the personnel work is done well, it will prevent people with factionalist and self-interest thinking from holding positions in the Party. And only then can we put an end to disunity, factions and defiance against law of a number of Party members,” Minh said.

A veteran Party member, 75-year-old Lt. Colonel Nguyen Van Niem acknowledged that there are many signs that the Party is curbing and driving back negative phenomena in personnel work, starting with the assessment and selection of potential cadres with both talent and good ethics.

He stressed that there have been new changes in the selection and election of holders of important positions in the political system, which better ensure democracy, transparency and fairness as well as the involvement of the entire society.

Dr. Tran Khanh Dung, a lecturer at the Department of Information Technology (the University of Construction) shared the view that good personnel work at Party congresses at all levels should start with eliminating factionalism and opportunism.

He said factions in the Party will discourage people with talent and cause disunity, and voice his hope that Party congresses at all levels will be able to select cadres with talent and ethics in line with the requirement of the Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Source: VNA