Man said that during the three-day session, the committee will focus on preparations for the parliament’s upcoming seventh session.

An overview of the 33rd session (Photo:

The meeting will discuss a draft law on fire prevention and fighting and rescue, a draft resolution on amendments and supplements to the N.A.’s Resolution No. 119/2020/QH14 on piloting the urban administration model and some specific mechanisms and policies for developing Da Nang city, along with a draft N.A. resolution on piloting some additional mechanisms and policies for developing Nghe An province.

Regarding the supervision work and socio-economic and budget issues, the committee will scrutinize a supplementary assessment report on the implementation results of last year’s socio-economic development and state budget tasks, and the implementation of the socio-economic development and state budget plans in the first months of 2024. Legislators will look into the Government’s proposal on the assignment of the medium-term public investment plan using the state budget for the 2021 - 2025 period, and the 2024 capital plan for the tasks and projects using the additional revenue of the 2022 central budget.

They will also comment on a report on the results of supervision over the settlement of and reply to voters’ petitions sent to the 15th N.A.’s sixth session in late 2023, a report on the N.A.’s settlement of people’s aspirations in April 2024, and a draft report on voters and people’s opinions and petitions submitted to the parliament’s approaching seventh session.

The N.A. Standing Committee will give opinions on the national maritime spatial master plan for 2021 - 2030 with a vision to 2050, and the investment policy on the national target program on cultural development for the 2025 - 2035 period, as well as the ratification of a document on the accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) of the U.K.

A draft resolution of the N.A. Standing Committee on the highest military ranks for some positions held by generals in the Ministry of National Defense will also come under consideration.

Following the opening ceremony, N.A. Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai moderated a discussion session on the supplementary assessment report on the implementation results of last year’s socio-economic development and state budget tasks, and the implementation of the socio-economic development and state budget plans in the first months of 2024.

Source: VNA